VeChain and DNV GL at the Guiyang Big Data Expo

The Guiyang Big Data Industry Expo is one of the biggest technology events of the year in China, and the 2019 edition started with a congratulatory letter from Chinese President Xi Jinping. He declared that China attaches great importance to the development of Big Data, and is willing to share the opportunities of economic development with other countries. Furthermore, by exploring new technologies, formats, and models, they can jointly discover new growth drivers and development plans.

The significance of having President Xi’s blessing should not be missed by global technology experts. With 5G, AI, robotics, Big Data, and blockchain being key themes of the industry expo, it further highlights the commitment China’s central government has towards innovation in emerging technologies. By taking a lead role, the central government can ensure that China remains at the forefront of these industries, putting intense pressure on the rest of the world to keep up or risk being left behind.

Not surprisingly, DNV GL was a central figure at the expo. Business Assurance CEO Luca Crisciotti and Business Assurance Greater China CEO George Kang were both in attendance, with the former speaking in a panel alongside VeChain CSO Mike Zhuang. Their panel, entitled “What is the role of Blockchain on Green Finance” spoke about the pivotal role that blockchain will play in many new economic models, with VeChain and DNV GL’s Digital Low Carbon ecosystem being a great example. “Green Finance” is an area where VeChain (and blockchain in general) is proving its value to regulators by directly contributing to the improvement of society.

Monday May 27th, VeChain CSO Mike Zhuang takes the stage alongside DNV GL’s Business Assurance CEO Luca Crisciotti.

This year’s event also received a letter from the Secretary General of the United Nations, who noted that Big Data has “great potential to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.” The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals have recently been the focus of VeChain, who are using blockchain to encourage the reduction of Carbon emissions.

Guizhou Province has been very effective at blending traditional culture with rapid innovation. The home of famed rice-wine producer Moutai, Guiyang is also the home of numerous new technology centers, including the GuiAn New District, a smart city that is exploring blockchain implementation with VeChain. The GuiAn New district was a co-organizer of this year’s event. The event takes place from May 25th – 29th.

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VeChain’s weekly summary – 5/18 – 5/24

Note: VeChain’s official Chinese weekly report can be read here. The following is an unofficial translated summary.


Bright Food’s milk products at Shanghai based supermarket Tenderness

Bright Foods “Cupid’s Farm” milk products are officially launched on the Bright Code platform. Using IoT technology along with professional verification services from third parties DNV GL and PICC, the platform can verify key data from the entire supply chain. Bright Code also helps companies better understand their consumers through the data collected in the platform.

VeChain’s Southeast Asia & Australia GM Sarah Nabaa joined VeChain’s project manager Perkins Chen and host Ben Yorke on the Vetcast, VeChain’s community-run podcast. They discussed how ToolChain could provide small business and individuals with the same enterprise-grade blockchain solutions that larger corporations are using. Click here to listen.



15000vCreative shows off artwork at the London Meetup

Following the VivaTech conference in Paris, the team held a meetup in London. In addition to core team members, community projects Smarter_Contracts, Veriarti, and creative agency 15000vCreative were on hand to discuss the latest developments and industry trends. ToolChain was also featured, as community members learned more about how they can get involved.

VeChain shows off ToolChain at VivaTech


CEO Sunny Lu popped up in the Telegram group to answer a few questions regarding the project. For a more in-depth summary, click here.


Overseas media reported on VeChain’s CEO Sunny Lu having a quick discussion with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte during the Seeds&Chips conference in Milan. They discussed the future of blockchain-based ecosystems and environment sustainability. DNV GL and VeChain plan to play a major role in digital transformation within Italy and Europe as a whole.

National Italian daily newspaper la Repubblica also reported on the Digital Low Carbon Ecosystem. The article discussed how it encouraged both corporations and ordinary consumers to take part with the use of the Carbon Credits token. The writer focused on how this could lower carbon emissions and promote a greener future.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte talks with VeChain CEO Sunny Lu


The trial version of ToolChain began accepting applications. Over 240 applications were received, and the team began approving and communicating with some of the interested parties. The trial will give vital feedback to the team, and allow the team to provide training for ToolChain users.

Not listed in the official summary, but shared by DNV GL, was an article about how China sent a delegation to Norway to celebrate 65 years of diplomatic ties. This included a visit to DNV GL’s headquarters by some of China’s top corporate and political leaders. The delegation included Li Zhanshu, Chairman of the National Congress, widely regarded as the third most powerful politician in China. To read more about the visit, click here.

Li Zhanshu shakes hands with DNV GL CEO Remi Eriksen

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Sunny Lu’s Q&A on Telegram

On Wednesday afternoon, VeChain’s CEO dropped into the official VeChain Telegram to answer a few questions. Here’s a quick transcript for those that missed it, or don’t use Telegram.

1. Will there be videos, tutorials, guides and an overall showcasing of ToolChain in use by a small company to see how easy it is to implement and use? So, basically a journey for other SME entrepeneurs to observe so they can decide if it’s something for them?

Yes. The team has been working on that part. The main target is to enable SMEs to onboard business to VeChainthor in a easy and cost-effective way. As a matter of fact, we did make good use of experiences with big enterprises in the past 3 years and conduct those into VeChainToolchain which could be beneficial to SMEs. Furthermore, we would like to repeat this process from successful cases to be a summarized tool for more builders including SMEs. 

2. Will there be a publicly available cost list of everything associated with ToolChain?

Yes. Right now, the team is collecting the feedback from trials to see if we need to make adjustment according to different regions. 

3. Will there be special ToolChain options for tech or business universities to play around with, perhaps to introduce IoT, blockchain and logistics to their programs?

That’s a good idea indeed. We didn’t consider that before but we should now. 

4. Any plans to introduce certifications for IT-business (implementation) consultants so they can help companies out with ToolChain? Similar to companies like Microsoft, IBM, etc.?

Yes. We have been discussing with DNVGL for a long time. However, creating a certification program is really not easy and we respect the professionalism, expertise and high requirements from DNVGL. For sure, the trial feedback and experiences will definitely help to speed up that. 

5. Any plans to add additional consultancy layers under people like Jerome, Sarah and J-Rock to have an easier access to ask ToolChain related questions?

Yes. We are planning for multiple different levels setup including big consultant enterprises (like PwC, Deloitte, DNV GL and others), IT solution providers,  individual consultants from the community, etc. The challenge will be preparation of training and onboarding materials according to different players. 

6. What exactly is the proposed 500 million $ USD fund meant for?

The VeChain Foundation is leading and working with reputable institutional investors to setup this VeChainThorPower to provide financial and investment support to the VeChain Ecosystem. We would like to use this fund along with several reputable incubators (like BoostVC, LongHash, Tribe Venture and etc.), Venture Capitals (like Fenbushi, Draper, FutureCap and etc.), Government backed Funds and even individual angel investors with expertise and resources in their territory to invest in startups who are devoted to building up business applications on VeChainThor and contribute to VeChain Ecosystem. We will have more official communication release about that once the progress is ready. 

7. When can we expect more western-focused (crypto) marketing to happen?

Honestly, VeChain has been focused on global marketing all along including western for sure. I don’t understand this question.

8. Are there any plans to create or support a dev-hub somewhere in the West, say San Francisco?

Right now, we have offices and teams in Paris, Milan, Luxemberg, Singapore, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Palo Alto, Shanghai and Beijing who are responsible for providing business engagement and first tier technical support. 

9. Are there any plans to add additional utility to the VET token, other than voting mechanisms laid out in the whitepaper?

Yes. Along as with more financial use cases and applications, VET utility will be revealed one by one. Like I have emphasized more and more, we need business applications to transform business activities to VeChainThor, and then the demands to financial applications will be more and more natural. 

10. Will there be a Reddit AMA in the near future to ask more indepth questions?

Yes. Stay tuned.

These questions demonstrate the value of having an active community, both by suggesting new ways of innovation as well as utilizing ToolChain to onboard products and clients. The number of VC firms and project incubators surrounding the ecosystem is a good sign that more and more third-party and community driven projects will be landing on the VeChain platform. Investors can also take solace in the prospect of new token utility, providing a deeper connection between token holders and the numerous enterprise use-cases already springing into action.

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Don’t ignore the significance of Li Zhanshu’s visit to DNV GL headquarters

On May 17th, honoring 65 years of Norwegian & Chinese diplomatic ties, China sent a delegate of officials to visit Norway and some of their local businesses. Among them was Li Zhanshu, Chairman of China’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. His role is equivalent to America’s Chief of Staff, playing a critical role in disseminating key info between leader Xi Jinping and the National Congress. Widely considered to be Xi Jinping’s strongest ally in congress, his influence helps determine President Xi’s itinerary and accompanies him on domestic and international trips. In political terms, Li Zhanshu is the third most powerful person in the country.

When visiting Norway, he stopped by the headquarters of DNV GL to discuss issues related to both Norway and China. While details of the meeting are confidential, Norway and DNV GL are highly focused on digitalization and global sustainability. The Digital Low Carbon Ecosystem is a key part of that, and with Chinese and Norwegian companies being at the center of the project, it’s a safe bet that the project was discussed at some point. Regardless, having a meeting with Li Zhanshu is a major testament to DNV GL’s influence in the Chinese corporate and political ecosystem. Leveraging these connections will help facilitate growth of the Digital Low Carbon Ecosystem within the world’s most populous country, increasing the adoption of VeChain’s innovative blockchain technology.

For those wishing to learn more about DNV GL’s recent accomplishments in China, check out this article.

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DNV GL partners with Deloitte China to improve healthcare standards in China

One of VeChain’s closest strategic partners spent the week focused on the medical industry – an industry in China desperate for reform and modernization. Burdened with one of the lowest doctor-to-patient ratios in the world, the public hospital systems remain overwhelmed, while private clinics are under-utilized, especially in rural regions. Patients show a clear lack of trust and respect for most medical professionals, a characteristic that often leads to violent attacks when they feel unsatisfied with the quality of medical service.

While healthcare has always been a focus of DNV GL, this week was a bold statement with the signing of a strategic cooperation with Deloitte China. Their partnership focuses on improving the standards of hospitals and medical facilities throughout China through training, consulting, formal certification, and improving the supply chains. While VeChain was not mentioned in the formal press release, these are all use cases that VeChain, DNV GL, and Deloitte have collaborated on in the past.

May 14th – DNV GL Business Assurance for Greater China CEO George Kang attends the signing ceremony. Kang is a member of the VeChain Steering Committee.

“As the largest professional service organization in the world, Deloitte helps the Chinese medical organizations to integrate international standardization and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry through the service capabilities and advantages of global network, technological innovation and operation management.”

Ms. Wu Ping, Leading Partner of Deloitte China Life Sciences and Medical Industry

This week also saw the 81st China International Medical Equipment Fair hosted at the Shanghai National Expo & Convention Center. DNV GL Management Group worked with partners to present the expo, which is the largest medical device expo in the Asia-Pacific region.

DNV GL has strategic partnerships with many medical device manufacturers, and uses its certification services to promote a higher standard of equipment and facilities throughout the region. This year’s theme was “Intelligent Reconstruction of the Future” and focused on emerging technologies such as AI, robotics, blockchain, big data, and 3D printing.

VeChain and DNV GL also added Renji Hospital to the Low Carbon Digital Ecosystem. This influential and historic hospital will provide priority services to ecosystem users, incentivizing a whole new segment of the population to take part in eco-friendly activities. VeChain’s blockchain technology can play a major role in modernizing traditional healthcare information systems and supply chains. By working with DNV GL and other strategic partners, VeChain has an advantage over many other public blockchains in the industry.

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How healthcare in China is poised for digitalization

On May 12th, Renji Hospital announced their inclusion in DNV GL & VeChain’s Low Carbon Digital Ecosystem. As a historic and reputable hospital in China, their strategy and commitment to social responsibility stands out from the complex domestic healthcare industry.

There are many indications that the healthcare sector will soon undergo a massive overhauling in China, and for good reason. Recent statistics show that China has one of the lowest doctor-to-patient ratios in the world, a problem exacerbated by an imbalanced population of seniors due to decades of single-children families. Additionally, Chinese patients are mostly free from the insurance-based restrictions that westerners are more familiar with, so they tend to gravitate towards provincial capitals and Tier-One cities where the biggest and best hospitals are located. The result is that large hospitals are overwhelmed and oversaturated with long lines and unsatisfied patients, leading to violent attacks on doctors and nurses.

Another problem stems from the lack of privatized clinics. With reputation being so vital to success, lesser-qualified doctors have little incentive to set up basic-care facilities in more rural areas. To remedy this, the National Health Commission of China is piloting a program to make it easier for doctors to set up private clinics. These medical clinics could be effective at stemming the flow of low-urgency patients into bigger urban centers, but must find a way to convince their patients that the medical care received is of a suitable standard.

One of the ways that hospitals and medical care facilities can do this is through digitalization. In 2014, hospitals began integrating Alipay (Alibaba’s financial platform) to book appointments and pay expenses. Still, the

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