Humans of Blockchain: Jason Rockwood

Humans of Blockchain: Jason Rockwood

Humans of Blockchain is our initiative to highlight the human side of the industry and showcase blockchain professionals around the world. The goal is to get to know the people pushing blockchain forward better and understand them at a personal level. Our previous post in the series was on Crypto_Ed_NL.

Jason Rockwood is VeChain’s Americas General Manager. He oversees VeChain’s business development and operations in the Americas and was previously Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Oasis Collections and Vice President of Mobile Strategy & Innovation of the Miami Heat; where he became the de facto CIO.

Having worked in a wide range of industries including in sports, hospitality and fashion, Jason has extensive experience in project management, strategy and digital transformation.

In this episode, he shares how he got into blockchain, how he sees the industry  evolving and how his past experiences help him understand and overcome the challenges businesses face when adopting new technology like blockchain.

Tell us about yourself and how you got into blockchain?

A little about me: I’m the General Manager of VeChain USA Inc., which means that I oversee the North and South American markets; including LatAm, the USA, and Canada.

My career started when I graduated from MIT and started working in digital advertising, specifically social media. I did some really cool stuff that I’m proud of, such as helping launch the Facebook and YouTube pages for Walmart. After working in digital strategy, I ended up pivoting into enterprise IT and led innovation for the Miami HEAT and then became CIO of a home sharing startup called Oasis. I live in Miami and California with my husband, Dev. 

I first got into blockchain via Bitcoin, waaay back in 2011. I bought my first bitcoin at only $10! Unfortunately I sold the top—$100! I missed the boat on Ethereum; was acquiring $XRP in 2013 when it was only $0.00001 but lost my password… Needless to say I’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way, but VeChain wasn’t one of them!

Jason with American venture capital investor Tim Draper

How and when did you learn about VeChain? What was your first meeting with Sunny and the team like?

Because of my background as a CIO, I was getting exposed to a lot of the enterprise blockchain conversations happening in 2017, just as the bull run started happening. I started to take the tech seriously and began researching good projects. I got back into the market right around November, and then found VeChain in December, right before the “rebrand”. 

I went all in on VeChain because it was the only project I had come across (and pretty much still the only project I have come across) that met my standards as a CIO. Meeting Sunny for the first time, at a speaking engagement at Harvard, I knew I had made the right decision to be involved. The vision, dedication, and professionalism of Sunny and the team are world-class. I started working for VeChain full time as GM VeChain USA about a year after meeting Sunny for the first time.

You’ve previously worked as a consultant and strategist in a wide range of industries; from apparel (Luxottica) and advertising (Havas Media Group) to sports (Miami Heat) and hospitality (Oasis Collections). How have these experiences helped you with your work at VeChain?

My role as a GM is very diverse. My experiences in digital strategy inform my work in new business development and sales; my experience as a CIO at Oasis and the HEAT helps me speak the language of business with my customers. I know their challenges because I’ve lived them. It also helps me understand and appreciate the long sales cycles; I’ve been on the other side. I think these experiences make me a very understanding and collaborative partner.

What has your first year at VeChain been like? What has surprised you the most and what has been the biggest challenge in your transition?

I started at VeChain in January 2019, so we are a few months shy of two full years. It’s hard to believe how fast time has gone. And really, I spent almost all of 2018 working for VeChain informally so for me, I consider myself three years in. That being said, working for VeChain is everything I wanted it to be. I love the team!  

The people who work for VeChain are passionate, visionary, dedicated and smart. It’s truly a group of people I respect immensely and I’m so grateful to be a part of this. One of my favorite things about working with VeChain is the sheer variety of clients I talk to in the course of a day. Anyone can use ToolChain, so in the course of a day I’m speaking (for example) to seafood companies, cannabis companies, fashion brands, consulting agencies, etc. It’s incredibly diverse! I never get bored in my job. As far as challenges go, I’d say the hardest part is the time difference. As I’m now on the West Coast, I have a lot of 6AM calls.

Jason Rockwood and Sarah Nabaa presenting at LongHash

You were Vice President and de facto CIO of the Miami Heat. Can you share anything about your responsibilities and experience? Do you have any funny/interesting anecdotes?

I’ve been lucky to have had some incredible jobs and teammates over the years, and certainly the HEAT was near the top. In that role I helped the business make decisions about enterprise technology and strategy for the business and the Arena. 

My core responsibilities included decision making around the mobile app, our e-commerce store, enterprise software, and in-arena Wi-Fi. It gave me a wide breadth and depth of experience in understanding the needs of enterprise customers. It also helped me understand VeChain CEO Sunny LU – himself a former CIO. I was attracted to VeChain because the CEO was a former CIO. I knew he would put technology as an enterprise enabler, rather than simply build technology for technology’s sake. My work at the HEAT and at Oasis makes a big difference in my ability to speak about enterprise tech to business stakeholders at all levels

What is your biggest strength?


In a recent photo on Twitter, you were shown at a lake in California with your dog. Can you explain the transition from living in Miami to California, and which lifestyle you prefer?

I was in Shanghai back in January of 2020, so I knew early on how big of a deal COVID-19 was going to be. In early March I went out to California to be in a remote area where I could easily get fresh and comfortably social distance.  Fishing on Sardine Lake was one of those amazing moments of being outdoors that wouldn’t have been possible in Miami. That being said, I look forward to the pandemic ending so I can go back home.

Jason with his dog in Sardine Lake

Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Sales Force have all started offering blockchain integrated solutions to their customers. How big of a role do you think large tech companies will play in the blockchain industry?

These companies are important to our industry because they bring legitimization and scale. I do believe that one day there will be blockchain behemoths, and I certainly think VeChain could be one.

What are the biggest challenges VeChain is facing in the US?

The US market for blockchain is still in its infancy. VeChain offers an amazing product that’s easy to deploy and cost-effective, but many companies in the US are still uncertain about the business value. That will change as more companies experience the success first-hand. 

Which projects would you consider to be VeChain’s biggest competitors/alternatives? What makes VeChain different?

Based on feedback from my clients, I would say IBM FoodTrust is the biggest competitor to VeChain ToolChain in the USA. We should be grateful to IBM, because their marketing budget is a rising tide that lifts our ship. IBM is almost single-handedly creating the US market demand for enterprise blockchain in supply chain. I’m grateful for that.

At the same time, our customers tell us that VeChain ToolChain is faster to deploy, easier to understand the business value, and requires less of an upfront investment to get started.

Are there any features that enterprise clients seem to be frequently requesting for ToolChain? (e.g. a specific tool that they need but is currently not available, more integrated data analytics, etc)

VeChain’s Product Roadmap is very robust, and anytime a client asks for a new functionality, I can almost always point to the roadmap and say “it’s coming”. That gives me and the client a lot of confidence in the future.

Supply chain is one of VeChain’s most important applications. How do you see current global political tensions affecting demand for VeChain solutions and VeChain-traced products (if at all)?

As the world becomes a more complex place, the need for trusted platforms and data will only increase. 

What trends have you noticed from dealing with clients since you began the role until now? Have you seen the industry shifting or changing in any way?

When I started at VeChain the clients I was speaking to were all hot off the ICO boom and the business models were always “we want to create a new business with a token”, whereas now clients are seeking a mechanism for supply chain visibility and data provenance. It’s a maturation of the marketplace for sure, and a good thing.

What superhero would you like to be? Why?

If I was a superhero, I would definitely want to be Doctor Strange! The guy understands the meaning of life and can bend time and space.

Do you have a favourite quote or meme?

The quote that gets me through crypto-life is this one from Epictetus:

“Some things are in our control and others not. Things in our control are opinion, pursuit, desire, aversion, and, in a word, whatever are our own actions. Things not in our control are body, property, reputation, command, and, in one word, whatever are not our own actions. … if it concerns anything not in our control, be prepared to say that it is nothing to you.”

Favourite basketball player?

I admire Steph Curry immensely, as he’s one of the most talented players, however, if I had to pick one favorite it would be LeBron.  Watching him play live is truly indescribable. The guy is so huge and yet he moves like a dragonfly. At the HEAT I had court-side seats, and watching him play close-up unlocked a new understanding of the awesomeness of the game.

LeBron James vs Stephen Curry

Your biggest inspiration?

My partner, Dev.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Hawaii. I love it there.

Any guilty pleasures?

French Fries and ice cream, but not at the same time.

How would you like to be remembered?

As someone who made a difference in improving other people’s quality of life.

Anything else you would like to add?

I’d like to say thank you to all the VeChain community members, new and old, who have believed in this project from day one and stayed the course the past three years.  You’re an incredible group of people to work for, and you keep me going!  Top Three here we gooooo!


Thanks to Jason Rockwood for taking part in this article. We hope you enjoyed it.

If you would like us to profile someone in particular who is helping drive blockchain forward, let us know on Twitter and we’ll do our best to make it happen.

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Recap: PwC and VeChain speak at British Chamber of Commerce Event in Shanghai

Recap: PwC and VeChain speak at British Chamber of Commerce Event in Shanghai

Tuesday, Sep. 1st – A special event at the Shanghai British Chamber of Commerce took place to introduce and inform their members about the benefits of blockchain in commerical applications. “Blockchain in China: Applications and Opportunities” featured VeChain CEO Sunny Lu and PwC Partner CY Cheung, who specializes in cyber security and innovation. This was a unique chance to see VeChain side by side with one of their top channel partners, a Big Four auditing firm that worked with VeChain on their partnership with Walmart China.

Chun Yin Cheung (CY) is a Partner in Risk Assurance practice based in Shanghai with over 16 years of experience, including five years in Hong Kong. CY is a major Blockchain technology driver in PwC, who pioneered a series of innovative Blockchain services. He specialises in Fintech, Blockchain, and cyber security advisory, IT regulatory compliance and consulting, IT systems risk management, information security & privacy risk management, COBIT, ITIL, ISO27001, business process & IT system controls assurance, IT and operational due diligence review and PKI/CA advisory. He also has extensive experience working with regulatory authorities, including HKMA and CBRC, to financial services clients for compliance reporting and consulting.

Sunny kicked off the discussions by introducing the value blockchain brings to businesses. He introduced a concept that would be referred to throughout the night, by explaining the various phases of blockchain adoption.

  • Phase One – using the blockchain as a place to store raw data. This is the most basic form of implementation, but many people are stuck in the mindset that this is the extent of the value of blockchain.
  • Phase Two – using the blockchain for data provenance. This organizes the data to create records that are traceable, giving it more value to users and businesses.
  • Phase Three – using the blockchain for verification and auditing services. Third parties can access and verify the integrity of the data or the processes creating the data. This is an area that VeChain is working hard on with partners like DNV GL, NSF International, and PwC.
  • Phase Four – using the blockchain for data analysis services. Companies will be able to improve their business intelligence and decision making based on verified and traceable data.
  • Phase Five – New ecosystem users will join. This includes third parties such as insurance companies that can now offer improved services based on trustable data flows.
  • Phase Six – New value monetization will be created. Just as internet users in the 90’s would find it impossible to imagine the potential of social media, streaming video, and p2p businesses like AirBnB and Uber, blockchain technology will create similar value drivers.

Sunny noted that businesses need to consider all the phases before trying to determine whether blockchain was right for them. Many make the mistake of trying to determine the immediate or direct benefits of storing data on the blockchain, which is the wrong approach for a company trying to innovate and get ahead of the competition. Both CY and Sunny noted that the key value comes from phases 3 and 4, which they believe leading companies were very close to reaching before COVID-19 forced teams to focus on core business processes and put innovation projects on hold. It’s not simply about storing data, it’s about unlocking the value in trustable data so that it can be used in other processes. 

Sunny then shared three common use cases that VeChain had successfully implemented with food traceability, COVID-19 infection prevention certification, and sustainable fashion. This gave the audience (various representatives and owners of companies from around Shanghai) a chance to visualize how blockchain can be implemented in the real world.

From a VeChain perspective, the most compelling talking point was observing the relationship between CY and Sunny. CY was visibly agreeing with many points Sunny made during the presentation, particularly regarding the need for blockchain implementation to be a business decision rather than a technical one. This is a reminder that having blockchain technology alone can’t satisfy the needs of commercial businesses regardless of speed, scalability, or efficiency. They were adamant to point out that blockchain was simply the bottom layer of a stack that included tools, services, and other features, one of the main selling points that makes VeChain’s ToolChain so appealing to clients.

CY talked about a number of interactions he’d had with clients over the years, explaining how manufacturers were progressively looking for ways to harness more data from their supply chains and customer demographics. These manufacturers are looking to compete with massive eCommerce platforms like Amazon and Alibaba, who have unlimited opportunities to collect data, analyze it, and learn from their sales performance. Manufacturers are on the outside, as their data dries up once it reaches the retailer. Public blockchain offers a solution, as multiple parties can share data and even collect data from consumers who interact with IoT chips and QR codes. This is an important issue that many businesses fail to consider when calculating the economic feasibility of blockchain implementation, especially as businesses rely more and more towards big data analysis and AI.

CY told a number of anecdotes about client needs that he routinely encounters. He mentioned an example use case of how electric vehicle battery producers were now facing increased regulation as the first lithium batteries on the market are reaching End-of-Life (they degrade after a few years of steady use). This creates a bigger need to track which batteries are eligible for upgrades based on charge cycles, and also traces the recycling process to meet potential regulatory policies. These policies are still being laid out in different jurisdictions, creating a lot of uncertainty. Blockchain can help with this by providing an auditable record for manufacturers, insurance companies, government agencies, and consumers to share. This is where private chains like Hyperledger fail in design as their closed off nature isn’t accessible by third parties and external users.

During the Q&A session, CY and Sunny shared a joke about the progress of a number of projects, including China’s DCEP

Finally, CY noted that any delays in implementation are no longer a technology issue, but a societal or political one. Blockchain and IoT are now at the point where many processes can be automated, giving data even more integrity. Still, another major barrier to adoption is the lack of user education. If users don’t understand the benefits of blockchain immutability, they will fail to see the value in a blockchain solution. This needs to change before less imaginative businesses will be motivated to adapt and implement higher standards of traceability and transparency.

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NSF issues COVID-19 safety protection certificates using ToolChain

NSF issues COVID-19 safety protection certificates using ToolChain

NSF International – a leading provider of independent product testing, inspection and certification – has integrated VeChain ToolChain into its operations.

For over 75 years, the organization has facilitated standards development for the water, food and health science industries. Now, in response to the pandemic, it has designed a COVID-19 Preventive Control Practice (PCP) service to help its corporate clients to reopen and stay open in a safe and confident manner.


Why create a COVID-19 Preventive Control Practice (PCP) service?

With confirmed outbreaks in several food processing plants across the world – including at a Mowi owned site in Poland, a 2 Sisters factory in the UK, a Pacific Seafood facility in the US and at an American Seafoods factory trawler – having 3rd party health and sanitation professionals inspect and verify in-house infection risk procedures is of vital importance and could become a legal requirement in the “new normal”. NSF International’s solution enables businesses to protect and regain the trust of their staff and customers by:

  • Reviewing their standardized operations, working environment and team management procedures to ensure that all business activities such as production and transportation are undertaken under effective preventive infection control measures
  • Offering continuous supervision and testing – reducing operational risks by issuing warnings when production and operations
  • Providing systematic training for relevant personnel to improve awareness of prevention and control
  • Issuing NSF International authoritative certification to validate the presence of effective COVID-19 preventive control measures throughout all business operations
  • Providing QR codes that can be attached to product labels to allow customers to verify the certification and be confident that the product has been processed and packaged in a safe environment
  • Giving national certification and accreditation to demonstrate that the business meets local compliance

Verification of Conformity certificate for Tongliao JSA Food & Beverage Management Service Co., Ltd.

Landing page screenshot for those who scan the QR Code on the certificate

The certificates have been issued from as early as the 31st July 2020 and several companies have now passed the PCP assessment (including Tongliao JSA Food & Beverage Management Service Co., Ltd. and Qingdao Spring Seafoods Co., Ltd).

NSF International is a leader in inspections in the 150 countries it serves, as they help clients to validate and authenticate business processes. Currently, their “Checked by NSF™” program is a solution used by companies like McDonald’s in the UK.

Checked by NSF infographic

A “Checked by NSF” certificate being displayed at a McDonalds in the UK. Credit to Claire Goring

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Welcome to the VulcanVerse

Welcome to the VulcanVerse

What would your life be like in a world of magic, fantasy and adventure? Welcome to VulcanVerse, an interactive 3D virtual world where you can forge your own destiny.

What is VulcanVerse?

VulcanVerse is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) where players create their own adventures, interact with others and buy land to design their own buildings, products and services. Essentially, it’s a virtual world built by the players for the players. By owning and improving their land parcels (each sized 20m x 20m and represented by non-fungible tokens, NFTs), players are able to move up the seven “Tiers to the new Olympus” levels. Reaching a higher rank gives you access to new features, building tools and Vulcanites (collectible NFT creatures that accompany you along your journey).

The game is built on the VeChainThor blockchain and enables users to integrate smart contracts to create events and provide services for others. An artist, for example, could design and upload their own assets and use a smart contract to organise competitions or or build a pay-to-enter gallery or museum displaying their artwork. Below is a video showing a concept of the land builder that users would have access to as they develop their land parcels:

Sample building blocks for the Land of Arcadia

What makes VulcanVerse special?

The concept of creating virtual worlds on the blockchain isn’t new. Projects such as Decentraland, CryptoVoxels or MegaCryptoPolis are already running on the Ethereum and Tron networks, however, VulcanVerse differentiates itself by introducing unique features (as documented in Vulcan Forged’s medium post). In this article, we analyse the significance of some of the more important ones.

1. Complete standalone application

Instead of running on a web browser, VulcanVerse is played via a downloadable standalone application. This allows the game to use better audiovisuals without lag and can potentially enable players to use some of the inbuilt tools offline. A land owner, for example, might be able to use use the scenery builder to design new assets and sync the work the next time the interface goes online.

2. Content depth, fantasy background story and lore

“At the dawn of adventure games, stories were practically non-existent, characters were heard from but rarely seen, and the measure of a game lay almost solely in the mental challenge it presented. Those days are over.” – Robert “Bob” Bates, American game designer

VulcanVerse is a fantasy universe full of lore and history. The world is split into 5 different arenas; each with its own narrative, development paths and mythical creatures; and all linked by a common topic: the Vulcan Gods.  This is important as having an overarching narrative connecting all the VulcanVerse elements helps to engage and immerse the players into the game. It gives the everything a meaning and encourages users to co-create the story and become part of the world. This is the reason why game publishers create stories for their adventure games and why VulcanVerse’s partnership with big names such as Jamie Thomson, Dave Morris and Ian Livingstone can make the game more exciting and entertaining. In their own words:

“VulcanVerse is not just a world but an immersive world of fantasy where every element, piece of land and vulcanite has its own piece of lore attached”

VulcanVerse is divided into the Land of Hades (The Underworld), the Land of Ourea (The Mountains), the Land of Arcadia (The Grasslands), the Land of Notus (The Deserts) and the Land of Vulcan (Neutral territory)

Land of Arcadia – The Grasslands

3. Choose from four different types of land

Aside from the Land of Vulcan, players can choose any plot of land they wish to own. The type of land dictates the materials, building tools and Vulcanites players are entitled to and, while users can create their own assets, “VulcanVerse universal laws” will ensure that only the designs that fit and are consistent with the land’s overall theme are uploaded onto the game. To avoid breaking immersion, for example, a player will not be able to build an Arcadia looking structure in the Land of Hades.  In a way, dividing the world into different territories creates “clans” with which players can identify themselves with. Being part of the Land of Arcadia, for example, can create a sense of belonging towards the land which consequently can encourage land owners to support and interact with others from the same quadrant. If a competition between the Land of Arcadia and Hades is released, for example, users from the same land will be incentivised to coordinate and collaborate with each other. Having different lands also makes the game replayable as once you’ve reached the seventh “Tier to the new Olympus” you could decide to buy another a plot of land in another quadrant and start from scratch.

4. Vulcan City: the neutral territory

Players will be able to visit Vulcan City in the the middle of the map, a territory that will remain neutral and be used as a gathering plaza to release new features, organise special events and festivals, and give VeChain contributors a space to build tools that benefit the community. Vexchange, for example, will have a bank where players can swap tokens and VeChain101 will likely have a radio tower to broadcast news and updates. Imagine if you could also have a coliseum where you could have vulcanite frenzies with other players, attend virtual concerts or watch a livestream of Sunny with other players. Wouldn’t that be cool?

5. Seven “Tiers to the new Olympus” and VTHO tokenomics

Land owners have a wide selection of terrains, items, building tools, animations and special effects they can choose from. However, access to them will vary depending on the rank of their land. To level up, you need to:

  • Meet specific predefined experience requirements
  • Make a ‘Sacrifice to the Vulcan Gods’ (in effect burning a specific amount of VTHO)
  • Pay fixed monthly upkeep costs (in VTHO) to maintain your land level and avoid being demoted (the higher the level the higher the upkeep cost)

Having different levels helps to keep players engaged and enables VulcanVerse to offer rewards to the more committed players. Land owners who reach the new Olympus, for example, could be awarded special NFT treasures or Vulcanites, be added to a hall of fame or other potential benefits.  One key aspect about the “Tiers to the new Olympus” is that every one can play at their own pace. According to the VulcanVerse team, they don’t want to force players to do something such as unnecessary gaming aspects that they don’t want. Landowners are free to enjoy the game by leveling up, by building on their lands, participating in vulcanite events, designing their own assets, exploring the world and many other ways.

“We don’t want to integrate gameplay that affects everyone that doesn’t want to be involved in the gameplay. Some people may want to just buy land, level up, have fun exploring, talk to people, etc.” – Jamie, founder of VulcanVerse, VeriArti and Vulcan Forged.

6. No need to deal with crypto

While games such as Decentraland use their own MANA token with ETH for gas, VulcanVerse is fully powered by VTHO. This enables players to trade assets in fiat currency thanks to fee delegation. It also makes the game more user friendly for the general public. Being able to avoid cryptocurrencies should make it easier to appeal to a broader audience. (Obviously, the cryptocurrency element will be there if people want it)

7. Vulcanites

Vulcanites are the pet creatures of Vulcanverse. Each of them is unique, has a tailored lore and set of skills (that can be powered up to a cap), and is exclusive to its land area and level. Owning higher tiered land grants access to Vulcanites with higher skill limits. While VulcanVerse is all about world building, introducing Vulcanites opens up a wide range of additional functionalities and game modes. They can be used to forage materials, compete for exclusive NFTs during treasure hunts or participate in community led mini games and side-quests. To balance world building and interactivity, they provide benefits for their owners and help them level up but cannot be used to negatively affect others (e.g. they cannot attack players unless it’s part of an event). This avoids players that only want to explore and build their lands from being forced to interact with Vulcanites. It is also important to clarify that, while Vulcanites are part of the VulcanVerse universe, they can also be stored as NFTs in a standalone Vulcanite dApp. In the separate Vulcanite portal, players can view their Vulcanites’ stats, explore which ones are available at what levels, browse other players’ Vulcanites and trade them as 2D game cards in the marketplace. In essence, their presence in VulcanVerse is a 3D representation of the Vulcanite game cards.

Arachnilix, a LVL.2 underworld vulcanite – appearance in the Vulcanite dApp

Vulcanite – appearance in VulcanVerse


Author’s opinion

The VulcanVerse is not the first sandbox video game on a blockchain, however, it is also not your typical “builder strategy” game. With 5 different arenas, mythical creatures and unique background story and lore, it provides players with a fully immersive fantasy role-playing experience. The 7 “Tiers to the new Olympus” give players a goal to aim for and the demand for VTHO, inbuilt marketplace and smart contracts capabilities encourages users to find innovative ways to build an in-game business. Shoe designers, for example, could recreate a virtual version of their shoes for their purchasing customers to use with their avatars. In my opinion, the decision to use VTHO is wise. Being able to use fee delegation and maintain relatively stable costs will help attract players from outside the crypto world. Why build another token when there is already a ready to use one?

VeChainThor is known for its supply-chain applications but the network is capable of doing so much more. During his interview with Catherine Coley, Sunny highlighted VeChain’s potential in the gaming and entertainment industries; VulcanVerse is an ambitious project that can prove him right.

The game is scheduled to be released (beta) in Q4 2020. However, given its large scope and the many exciting concepts the team plans to develop, it will likely be an ongoing project that will continuously evolve and have increasingly more functionalities.  The sale launch of its 10000 plots of land will be announced by end of Q3 2020 and new landowners will receive a free LVL1 vulcanite with their land. With the launch date fast approaching and following the recently released sneak peeks, I am curious and eager to see what the end product will look like. Hopefully it will be up to the high expectations.

The VulcanVerse is always looking for new ideas so if you have a cool feature you would love to see implemented, contact them at May the Vulcan Gods be with you.

VeChain101 is a strategic partner of the VulcanVerse.

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Jur chosen by LawtechUK to take part in study along with Oxford University researchers

Jur chosen by LawtechUK to take part in study along with Oxford University researchers

August 14th – Jur was selected by LawTechUK to take part in a feasibility study regarding dispute resolution for small and medium sized enterprises. This came as part of an announcement regarding the formation of a government-backed initiative to transform the UK legal sector with the use of technology. 

The procurement process for the SME Dispute Resolution Platform has also now come to a conclusion. LawtechUK received a total of 17 bids for the SME Dispute Resolution Platform, with the submissions displaying a high standard of excellence, depth of experience and capability; it points to a great degree of interest in advancement of the sector overall.

LawtechUK are delighted to announce that researchers from The University of Oxford, Oxford Computer Consultants, Resolve Disputes Online, and Jur have been selected to carry out the feasibility study and proof of concept development. 

Source: Tech Nation

This is an exciting opportunity for Jur, who have been building a multi-layered Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform since launching their Jur Beta Platform last year. They’ve made tremendous progress globally, but have done especially well in Europe and the UK by partnering with many high profile institutions and legal leaders. Around the world, business leaders and governments have expressed the need for ODR platforms in the wake of COVID19. Legal professionals need more innovative ways to use technology to cut costs, receive faster resolutions, and work remotely across multiple jurisdictions. 

“We are delighted to be working with LawtechUK to explore the feasibility of an ODR platform for UK SMEs and to develop a proof of concept. Our consortium is a diverse and interdisciplinary team of industry and academic experts in ODR and innovation in government digital services. Our vision is to develop forward-thinking human-centred solutions that UK SMEs and other stakeholders can rely on to resolve disputes easily and efficiently.”

Mimi Zou – Researcher from University of Oxford

According to the Tech Nation announcement, they will soon commence research for the feasibility study. Tech Nation is a national growth platform that looks to scale UK tech companies and develop more business leaders. They provide coaching, content, and a community through a network of “purposeful founders and philanthropists, progressive enterprises and policymakers, influential funds and institutions.”

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VeChain101 partners with VulcanVerse to support the upcoming blockchain gaming world

VeChain101 partners with VulcanVerse to support the upcoming blockchain gaming world

With the VeChain mainnet recently celebrating two years of uninterrupted active service, the lack of large-scale community gaming options has been a noticeable absence in the ecosystem. Despite many native features that makes VeChain ideal for gaming applications, playable titles have yet to land on the platform. However, 2020 has promises to be different, with a number of titles announced and development already underway.

About the VulcanVerse

One of the more intriguing titles announced has been the VulcanVerse, a 3D lore-filled open world that divides the land up to community owners, allowing them to build structures and play a role in designing the landscape. The land ownership is based on non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that are buyable and tradable, allowing people to have a stake in the gaming world. Unlike other gaming worlds, the VulcanVerse will be accessible from a standalone app, giving the game more powerful graphic and audio capabilities (currently existing worlds are limited to web apps, which focus more around primitive world building and fewer gameplay elements).

Land will be split among four quadrants, each with unique looks, building materials, lore, and creatures. This will create factions within the game, as each region looks to top the leaderboard and win prizes.

Role of the VeChain101 team within the project

As part of the partnership, VeChain101 will assist in media outreach, bringing new players into both the VulcanVerse and VeChain ecosystems. VeChain101 will create a website featuring information, guides, media, and other resources for future players. We will more actively cover the gaming sphere, releasing more news to foster a vibrant gaming culture. We will also play a role as an advisor, giving input on development and design choices to ensure the game is both fun and community-driven. We will serve as a bridge between the community and the various technical development teams that are already building this adventure-filled world.

VeChain101 joins a growing list of capable partners that are committed to launching an engaging and fun blockchain gaming experience. Award winning fantasy writers are creating backstories and lore to add intrigue and suspense to the world, while multiple development teams are building the assets to be used as terrain, characters, and gameplay functions, giving us confidence that the end product will attract players from both inside and outside of the VeChain ecosystem. As always, the goal of VeChain101 is to support the growth of the VeChain ecosystem and community, and we believe this to be an excellent opportunity. Over the next few months, we will assist VulcanVerse in developing content to raise awareness for the product launch. 

For more information, please follow VeChain101 and VulcanVerse on Twitter. 

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