2018 has been a roller-coaster ride for VeChain supporters, investors, and casual observers. I’ve spent the last year and a half observing the communities, both in China and abroad. During that time, I continued to be impressed with the professionalism and competence of the VeChain Foundation. I also noticed there was a core group of investors who were very excited about the potential of this project, and enjoy actively reading, discussing, and sharing news related to it.

Blockchains provide supporters with an interactive experience unparalleled with traditional investments. Apps and Games are built on the chain, products can be verified, funds can be stored and transferred, and social causes can be promoted. This unites the community, and drives us to seek out more information.

Over the last few months, I began blogging and tweeting about various VeChain related events. The response from the community was incredibly supportive, and motivated me to create even more content in my spare time. For this, I am indebted to the community, as I believe their positivity brings out the best in all of us.

Unfortunately, Medium and Twitter had their limitations. Not wanting to slow the progress, I decided to create an independent platform that I could use to expand with even more content.

Inspired by the encouragement of others within the community, I set up VeChain101 as a place to share articles, updates and videos related to the VeChain ecosystem. With the help of others contributors and industry professionals, I hope to add a steady stream of quality content throughout 2019. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please reach out and let me know!

Enjoy the holiday season, and I look forward to building, developing, and researching in the new year!

Ben Yorke


Buy VET at OceanEx
Buy VET at OceanEx

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