8 Things to Know About Comet Leading up to Mobile Open Beta Launch

If you’re familiar with VeChain, you’ve probably heard of or even used the Comet browser extension. Released in early 2019, Comet brings blockchain applications on VeChain to your favorite web browsers. With the new mobile app right around the corner, it has grown to be so much more than just a browser extension. Here are the top 8 things you should know about the upcoming Comet mobile app!

1) Comet is both a browser and a wallet.

The first thing you’ll notice when you open the mobile app is that it looks like a web browser, similar to Chrome or Safari, and that’s because it is! What sets Comet apart is its built-in crypto wallet with ability to power blockchain applications. Users can visit websites with blockchain features and have a secure way to handle transactions and manage assets.

2) Comet is the first wallet with fee abstraction.

Want to transfer your tokens or use dApps but don’t have any VTHO? With Comet’s groundbreaking new feature, fee abstraction,  you can pay transaction fees in any token you hold. This is a big step towards making VeChain more adoption-friendly.

3) Comet is an open platform.

Comet supports open standards and protocols like web3 and Connex, and because there is no whitelist of dApps, you are free to build and use any applications your heart desires. If it exists on the internet, you can get there with Comet.

4) Comet supports all VeChain based tokens, including NFTs.

With Comet, the wallet interfaces themselves are dApps, including the default wallet called “Tokens” that ships with the mobile app. This means that developers can very easily create their own wallet interfaces for their tokens so that users can manage them on the go.

Comet is also extremely supportive of other community projects. For example, users can send their YEET tokens to their Comet address and access them at https://wallet.yeetcoin.io directly from the Comet mobile app!

5) Comet is decentralized.

Your private keys never leave your wallet. While some wallets sacrifice decentralization and security for improved user-experience, Comet delivers the best of all worlds. It uses a truly innovative UX while maintaining complete decentralization.

6) Your Comet wallet is your passport in the decentralized world.

Use a single account to gain access to all of the different decentralized applications running on VeChain. As the ecosystem grows, Comet will be the key to utility and entertainment running on the platform.

7) Comet has native support for CometVerse avatars!

Decentralized avatars are a fun way to add flair to your pseudonymous blockchain identity. You can create yours for free by visiting https://cometverse.com and it will be used as your profile picture on your favorite dApps.

8)  Open beta goes live on August 8th

This will be available on both Android and iOS.

Sign up at https://mobile.cometpowered.com

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