5 Examples of Industries Adopting Blockchain

With real-life enterprise adoption being highly-sought after these days, we briefly listed a few examples of how VeChain has been integrating their solutions across multiple industries around the globe. This list represents just a modest selection of the enterprise use-cases VeChain is developing.

Number 1: Automotive Industry


VeChain is a major player in the automotive industry. Partnered with the top EV producer in the world, BYD, VeChain is a terrific example of how public blockchains can benefit enterprises. By integrating the low carbon digital ecosystem into BYD vehicles, BYD can reward customers who utilize the environmentally-friendly functions on their hybrid and electric vehicles. The public chain maintains trust for both companies and consumers, and both will benefit from this mutually beneficial arrangement.


BMW also sees the value in VeChain’s public blockchain. They created VerifyCar, which records key vehicle data to prevent mileage-fraud and create an immutable record of vehicle maintenance.

Even more impressive is their roadmap, which includes using public chains for supply chain, p2p car sharing, autonomous driving, data markets, and autonomous taxi fleets. While VeChain is not the only blockchain company working with BMW, their current position, industry partners, and strong enterprise track record should ensure they are a major partner of BMW for years to come.

Number 2: Supply Chain & Food Safety

DNV GL’s My Story

Source: DNV GL’s 2018 Annual Report

My Story is a great example of how public blockchains are being used to guarantee authenticity, track key supply chain data, and use IoT sensors to achieve IIoT-standard data acquisition. Currently, the My Story client list includes a number of beverage and food companies throughout Europe, but plans to expand worldwide, utilizing DNV GL’s extensive portfolio of clients. By focusing on sustainability, My Story is using public blockchain technology to reward enterprises that demonstrate ethical practices and corporate responsibility.

Bright Code

Similar to My Story, Bright Code is a collaboration between VeChain, DNV GL, and of course Bright Foods, China’s second largest manufacturer of food products. Launching with a pilot that tracks milk from farm to consumer, Bright Code keeps an immutable record of the supply chain, verified by an independent third party (DNV GL), allowing customers to purchase with confidence. In addition, DNV GL is building a Confidence Index that mathematically assigns a rating to participants in the Bright Code ecosystem. This includes manufacturers, distributors, as well as retailers.

Number 3: Clothing

Haier’s Internet of Clothing (IoC)

Launching as part of Haier’s next-generation IIoT platform, the world’s leading appliance producer is integrating RFID and QR code tags into a number of major brands of clothing. VeChain’s public blockchain will be tasked with verifying millions of garments per year within this massive ecosystem.

Swell & Innersect


At the Shanghai Innersect fasion, art, and lifestyle expo in December of 2018, VeChain placed 30,000 NFC chips on various garments. By focusing on verifying authenticity, VeChain’s blockchain technology allows clothing manufacturers to better connect with customers through immutable data. Notable styles included Edison Chen’s Terracotta Warrior Air Jordans, pictured below.


One of Singapore’s largest luxury goods retailers, Reebonz’s B2C marketplace boasts over 1000 luxury brands. They plan to use VeChain’s blockchain technology to verify products sold on the marketplace, giving them a competitive advantage over other South-East Asian retailers.

Number 4: Certification

Deloitte & DNV GL

DNV GL & Deloitte are two of the biggest audit and risk-management companies on the planet, and they provide certification services for thousands of clients around the globe. By creating a digital record of these certifications, customers can prove their facilities, equipment, networks, and supply chains are compliant with ISO standards.

Number 5: Cloud Security

BIOS Middle East

As the largest cloud provider in the middle east, BIOS ME is an original believer in the utility of VeChain’s public blockchain platform. Their security platform, BIOS Secure, is integrating blockchain technology to record key events, threats, and vulnerabilities. By having an immutable record, clients have unwavering trust in the platform’s ability to monitor their networks. The data is then used by BIOS ME to analyze and optimize their cybersecurity offering, enabling them to better protect customer data. BIOS ME’s wide range of clients include healthcare, energy, finance, retail, and PetroChemical enterprises across the Middle East and Africa.

Note: Not listed but confirmed by VeChain or VeChain’s partners include Finance, Healthcare, Gas & Energy, as well as a few other critical industries.

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