DNV GL and VeChain use case shared on website of the Cyberspace Administration of China
On July 9th, an article from Guangming Daily began circulating that explained how blockchain technology could be used to fight infections. The article featured DNV GL’s health codes (My Care), which are used to show visitors or clients that the facility has undergone proper measures to ensure the safety of the staff and general public. Relevant third-party certifications and data are linked to the blockchain, providing an immutable record that users can check with their mobile devices.
Now, the article has also appeared on the website of the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, also known as the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission (CCAC). This is a top-level bureau, answering directly to heads of state, including President Xi Jinping and Premier of State Council Li Keqiang. The CCAC is directly involved in setting online policies and regulating the internet, so having this exposure is tremendous proof of credibility for both the solution, the companies, and the infrastructure behind it. This bureau has an enormous amount of influence within China, and is generally conservative by nature, making it all the more significant when VeChain can appear on the web page.
The article included multiple references to both VeChain and DNV GL, and even included quotes from VeChain CEO Sunny Lu:
Sunny Lu, Co-founder and CEO of VeChain, believes: “In the ‘new normal’ brought about by the epidemic, consumers’ pursuit of trust is unprecedentedly high. Blockchain technology will improve data integrity and commercial credibility which is an important guarantee for multi-party cooperation and mutual trust.” As a strategic partner of DNV GL, VeChain’s one-stop blockchain data service platform provides a safe, stable and efficient underlying area for this infection risk resolution system using blockchain technology. Sunny Lu told reporters that with flexible frameworks and tools, this blockchain technology platform [ToolChain] can be customized to research and develop according to the application requirements of different scenarios, greatly reducing development and deployment times, allowing enterprises to operate at both a low cost and risk.
Source: cac.gov.cn
While COVID-19 has proven to be devastating for both industries and society as a whole, it has also given urgency to governments and organizations considering the use of new technologies. It has given blockchain technology a chance to shine in areas like data management, traceability, food safety, and TIC (testing, inspection, and certification). Companies like VeChain and DNV GL who are providing blockchain applications for enterprise and public health scenarios are now seeing opportunities to build strong ties with government and business leaders around the world.
Guangming Daily, where the article first appeared, is a state-owned publication founded in 1949. It focuses on fields such as education, science, technology, culture and theory. It has 37 domestic news bureaus and 23 overseas news bureaus, and its daily circulation is about 1 million copies. The online platform has about 37 million unique visitors each day.