Food Safety Report from Cointelegraph Consulting & VeChain Distributed in Chinese
Last month, Cointelegraph Consulting and VeChain jointly released their cross-disciplinary research report entitled When Blockchain Meets IoT: Ensuring Food Safety in the 2020s. The report took a look at how to solve the growing food safety problem and reduce its impact to the global economy, while being designed to help readers map out a plan of action for the upcoming decade.
A month later, due to demand from within China, they joined forces with Chinese media platform ChainNews and Winkrypto to release the report in Chinese. The report made a dramatic impression, being picked up by news aggregators such as Toutiao (Owned by Bytedance), Sohu, and other financial media outlets. This coverage is important in reaching a domestic food industry looking to integrate technology to further improve food safety standards.
Like the English version, the Chinese version featured a detailed look at the technical requirements needed to integrate VeChain, an overview of possible data points, and case studies including My Story from DNV GL and VeChain.