Jur’s webinar shows glimpse at potential of blockchain within the traditional legal space

Jur’s webinar shows glimpse at potential of blockchain within the traditional legal space

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the Jur team has been relatively quiet on the PR side, claiming a focus on developing out the court hubs of their dispute resolution platform. Decentralized dispute resolution will allow blockchain-based voting on commercial disputes, such as contracts, freelance agreements, and mediation cases, among others.

On April 29th, the Jur team hosted their first ever online webinar, introducing the main concepts of the technology to a noticeably large audience of legal professionals and community members. Alice Namuli, who founded the Legal Innovation Hub in Uganda, was also a part of the presentation to talk about how the continent of Africa was approaching this topic. She helped Jur organize the event in collaboration with the Africa Innovation Law & Tech Academy, the East Africa Law Society, and LEX Africa, which is the continent’s largest legal alliance. The audience, with many members from the aforementioned legal organizations, peppered the speakers with intelligent questions tackling all phases of adoption as well as the potential societal impacts blockchain and smart contracts could have.

From the onset, it was obvious that this audience was different from most other blockchain events. They took an avid interest in Chief Legal Officer Raffaele Battaglini’s presentation on smart contracts, and engaged Legal Engineer Luigi Cantisani on issues of human rights and the internet. The speakers pointed out how access to internet was quickly becoming a basic human right in the eyes of many governments, which should pave the way for technology to become a foundation of worldwide justice systems. They also discussed the need for trustless oracles to be the touchpoint between real-life and the internet, leading to more complete data and fairer rulings.

A lot of questions centered around the enforcement of online dispute resolution, as people might not be so quick to comply with a ruling delivered over the internet. Cantisani addressed this by talking about how this required the embedding of smart contracts into ODR and escrow services. On the Jur platform, after a dispute is resolved, funds will be transferred automatically, making non-compliance a non-issue.

CEO Alessandro Palombo gave the active audience a definition of a dApp, and talked about how these could impact economic business relationships. Palombo is a big believer in the the power of decentralization, explaining how many apps and services will shift to this model in the future, cutting out middlemen, reducing corruption, and lowering costs in the process.

CMO Federico Angeloni moderated the event and was impressed with the turnout. “We were pleasantly surprised by the very warm welcome that the African audience has reserved for us. In a flash, we realized the topicality of the problems we carry out and we can’t wait to expand the reach of our events to get more and more professionals interested in legaltech.”

The issue of cryptocurrency

One issue of keen interest to the VeChain community revolved around the topic of the JUR token and stablecoins. A question from audience member ‘Jeremy’ asked how the platform intended to handle volatility, and whether or not stablecoins would be used. Jur’s CTO Luca Daniel responded by stating:

“In the legal industry, there is a huge need to be user-friendly with as little friction as possible. If you want to submit a case to one of the hubs on the Jur platform, you need to be able to do that with your fiat currency. What the platform will do under the hood is translate and convert your normal currency into JUR tokens. You won’t be able to see that, unless you want to dig deeper and see the exchange rate that was applied. You don’t need to know how to manage a wallet or know how blockchain works. If you are a blockchain expert and want to dig deeper, you can see the transaction of course, but that’s our approach.”

“With regard to the volatility, it won’t matter if the price fluctuates, if I pay the dispute fee of $3,000 dollars, that’s going to be $3,000 today, and $3,000 dollars tomorrow. The system will do the conversion of the tokens. On the other hand, that point you made about a stablecoin is essential when talking about an escrow. When you have an escrow and are in a commercial relationship with another party, you need to transfer money from one end to the other, and you do that with a smart contract, it’s very important that the money escrowed is in a stablecoin.”

It’s no secret that a stablecoin is needed on the VeChain network, but it remains to be seen how that is put into place. In the past, the speculation surrounded a Euro-based stablecoin, as part of VeChain’s close connections with regions like San Marino and Italy. While that speculation has cooled off of late, knowing that Jur is planning on using one may be an indication that the plan is still in place.

Legaltech in Africa

Last to take the stage was guest host Alice Namuli. She mentioned that in Africa, legaltech adoption falls into two categories: Legal technology that enhances the way law firms deliver services, and technology that improves citizen’s access to justice. She noted that most law firms are adopting various technologies to ensure that they deliver timely services and to ensure they cut down their costs.

Alice Namuli side-by-side with Jur CEO Alessandro Palombo

“So many big law firms in the last 3 or 4 years have also caught up and are now using all kinds of products ranging from simple AI to advanced AI. On the continent, we have many legal innovators who are building tools, platforms, and systems. The biggest disadvantage is that many people don’t know about them so it becomes a little bit difficult to use them.”

“On the access to justice side, services range from ensuring that as many people on the continent are able to access justice and making the legal justice system more transparent and less costly. That’s why I’m very interested in platforms like Jur, but we don’t have anything on the continent yet like Jur. The biggest challenge we have now is that many lawyers haven’t been able to fully appreciate this [legal technology platforms], and they are either rejecting them or they are just not willing to adopt them. So many people have been denied justice because of the backlog or because our justice systems just don’t work at all. So we are very interested in the alternatives. We are very pleased to have this training or session [The Jur Webinar] where we can learn about what’s available and how we can use them.”

The feedback in the chat box shows that Jur has the ability to engage and connect with their legal audience

Final thoughts and key takeaways

For many regions, the issue of how small and medium law-firms can get access to affordable tools is a major question. Unlike many legaltech platforms for large law firms that come with a exorbitant licensing fee, platforms like Jur are much cheaper to use. The nature of Africa’s many different legal systems shows a huge potential use case for blockchain, a way to bypass the slow, costly, and even corrupt traditional courts. It’s one area where Jur can not only gain traction, but can also provide a much-needed social service that benefits less fortunate regions. It would be refreshing to see an instance of blockchain used for this cause, and could bring a lot of exposure and goodwill to the blockchain industry as a whole. It’s clear from the webinar that Jur has a professional team with a product that resonates with the legal community, and not just the cryptocurrency community and token holders. The challenge for Jur now will be on execution, to actually make this idea a reality.

To watch a replay of the webinar, head on over to YouTube: Link.

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VeChain’s Blockchain Used to Aggregate and Track Coronavirus Data in the US

March 20, 2020 – Real Items and Coronavirusapi.com are working together to track medical data from the 50 individual US state websites.

Confirmed cases by state

After Coronavirusapi.com pulls their hourly update from the individual state websites, Real Items stores the data in IPFS, a decentralized storage site used by researchers, blockchains, and other peer-to-peer content sites. Once the data has been stored in IPFS, the associated hash is stored on an NFT (Non-fungible token) in the VeChain blockchain to provide an immutable timestamp of the information collected. This prevents the possible distortion of data through improper collection techniques or intentional misrepresentation.

Data being stored in IPFS

Collecting data during a pandemic is crucial, and one that agencies including the CDC have struggled with. On the CDC website, they acknowledge that their “numbers are not representative of all testing being done nationwide” and that in the event of a discrepancy, “data reported by states should be considered the most up to date.” With this in mind, aggregation sites like Coronavirusapi.com are performing a valuable service that is closely monitored by concerned citizens, researchers, medical organizations, and media outlets.

Real Items CEO David Menard believes that using NFTs and distributed storage can create a “Digital Smithsonian” – a type of trustable public record that didn’t rely on a single source to collect and publish their findings. Humans are susceptible to error and bias, making this type of automated collection more valuable to current and future researchers.

VeChain’s Response

After the story was first published on Coindesk, community analytics website VeChainStats was quick to offer their support in tracking the storage process. In addition to providing a third-party verification, VeChainStats will visualize the regular uploads so that the public can observe the creation of NFTs on the VeChain mainnet.

A few hours later, VeChain’s COO Kevin Feng announced on Twitter that they would be supporting this project by sponsoring the blockchain transaction fees. With each upload requiring a gas fee of around .17 cents, this could make the project more sustainable over a lengthy period of time. VeChain’s blockchain has several built in features including Multi-Party Payment (fee deferral), which allows Real Items to assign transaction costs to a third party. This simplifies the


Recapping the Process

  1. Data is reported on Official State websites
  2. Coronavirusapi.com uses web crawlers to pull data every hour
  3. Real Items uploads data to IPFS
  4. IPFS hashes are minted into NFTs on VeChain’s public blockchain
  5. NFT minting fees are paid by VeChain
  6. VeChainStats visualizes the NFT minting process for the public

While this process can sound quite complex, the tools created by Real Items and Coronavirusapi.com allow the workflow to be automated and smooth. This all results in up-to-date and verified data that can bring value to researchers, organizations, and people wishing to be more informed.

For more information, follow Real Items on Twitter, or visit Coronavirusapi.com.

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Insights on Baidu’s New Xuper-Hyped Blockchain Platform

Baidu made headlines briefly during the week with the announcement of their new blockchain platform – named Xuperchain (Superchain, in Chinese). Baidu, China’s most dominant search engine, comes in at #50 on Forbes’ Top 100 Digital Company Ranking and boasts close to 200 million daily active users, despite their recent struggles. They follow a string of high-profile companies launching blockchain platforms, including Tencent, JD.com, and Facebook.

The Xuperchain website displayed some impressive stats, including the fact that since being open-sourced in the Spring of 2018, it has had 3.5 million users and 450 million transactions. It listed having multiple consensus algorithms, led by Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) and smart contracts written in either Solidity or Go. It also boasted of having main chains, parallel chains, side chains, and DAG capabilities with a max TPS of 20,000 transactions per second. What’s not to like?

Too good to be true?

And while the well-researched Redditors on r/Neo were commiserating the impending doom of public blockchain projects in China, we were left wondering what the actual impact of this announcement was? Considering this is a company whose stock price is over 50% down from its peak of $284 in May of 2018, there were many question marks surrounding the announcement. Speaking with three blockchain experts in China, we gained some valuable insights.

One smart contract developer working in Beijing noted that this “announcement” was par for the course considering China’s recent heavy approach to blockchain technology. He reminded us that companies like Alibaba, Huawei, and many others were scrambling over themselves to announce blockchain platforms in the wake of President Xi’s big announcement back in October. This isn’t a phenomenon unique to blockchain – it happens with AI, 5G, and every other emerging technology that shows promise. And while these companies have incredible amounts of resources at their disposal, they lack the focus and priority that a smaller, more agile company might possess.

A second expert, heavily involved in the Shanghai blockchain scene, was even more unimpressed. He hadn’t even taken the time to pay close attention to the announcement, seeing as how every large existing tech company in China had registered a blockchain-as-a-service platform, with little real world adoption to show for it. He suggested that the media fanfare that accompanied this was due to some high-profile media sources picking up the story, likely in an attempt to further impress pro-blockchain leadership.

A third and final expert, also a blockchain developer, was more complimentary of the progress the tech team had made when scrutinizing the documentation. In particular, he credited the team for improving the UTXO and database protocols that helped to speed up the blockchain. Still, announcing a blockchain project has never been the hard part, as evident from the estimated 32,000 registered Chinese companies using the word “blockchain” according to a CCTV report in November of 2019.

Unrealistic Goals for China’s Tech Giants

So what can we make of all this? Certainly, Baidu could pose a competitive threat to companies like VeChain in China, where Baidu’s influence and name recognition allow them to target top developers and big name partners. But in reality, these tech giants rarely miss an opportunity to make a headline: Let’s not forget Baidu going full-force at a number of new industries, including the short-lived Baidu Smartphone, the Baidu Apollo Smart Car (now facing massive losses and lay-offs at factories), and every other flavor of the week industry that they hurled themselves into. Technode estimates they lost RMB 2.3 billion on smart speakers alone. Without being too critical, Baidu will continue to excel at its core offerings, and will make some unexpected inroads into new markets, but will lack the finesse and understanding to penetrate technical areas such as the public blockchain space.

In many ways, their recognizable branding should continue the growth of blockchain adoption in China, bringing more exposure to the technology. It should serve as nothing more than a subtle reminder that for projects like VeChain, time is of the essence, a fact that CEOs like Sunny Lu is already 100% aware of.

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“China-rankings” continue to dupe Western audiences

This article contains the opinions of the author.

I can always tell when Saidi Net releases their new rankings because my Twitter feed is filled with misinformation and misplaced perspectives. For many, they share the list because it fits their narrative. However, most people fail to realize a few key points:

#1 “China” doesn’t endorse the list

Despite China being a vast country with around 1/5th of the world’s population, western writers love simplifying it by simply calling it the “China rankings”. Saidi Net have always been very transparent about the list being separate from their government-sponsored activities. The title, Saidi Research Center’s 11th Global Public Blockchain Technology Evaluation Rankings, doesn’t say anything to suggest they are an ‘official’ mouthpiece for a government organization.

China’s government has a highly complex and bloated organization structure – with over 150,000 state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Remnants of the communist structure has left many industries in a government- owned limbo – where many are unprofitable, but still being propped up by loans from state-owned banks. This is to prevent having a larger unemployment issue, but like ripping off a bandaid, will need to be done at some point. The privatization will come at some point, as it’s been a core issue at the heart of China’s economic reforms.

Until that eventually happens, there are countless organizations that could fit the criteria Saidi Net does – supported by the government, but largely free to conduct their own business operations. This makes western investors particularly vulnerable to China-based scams – that claim to be connected to state owned companies, when in fact the ‘state’ has little to do with the organization or the project.

For a website such as Coin Telegraph to not make the distinction between China and Saidi Net is both worrying and disappointing. It could just be a lack of understanding or research – but it could also be a classic case of exaggerating details that promote the author’s personal investments.

#2 The list is an opt-in service

Earlier this year I contacted the company (I made a write-up back then) behind the rankings, asking about why major blockchains like VeChain and Tron were not included. They told me that VeChain chose not to be included, and that Tron was to be included in their next ratings. Although the representative on the phone didn’t say it at the time, this strongly implies that there was a listing fee – which sharply throws into question the integrity of the rankings. Either way, having a global rating system that doesn’t include a number of key projects isn’t a very effective metric to be using.

#3 You are the target of the ratings

There’s a reason I almost never see this list get shared in my Chinese language groups – and that’s because the majority of people with experience in China would ignore a list like this. They could instantly recognize the corruptibility of a service like this –

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VeChain and OpenNodes Bring Blockchain to the Singapore FinTech Festival

The Singapore FinTech Festival takes place from November 11th through the 15th, advertised as one of the largest FinTech exhibitions in the world. It showcases the innovations of a number of large financial institutions, such as DBS, Standard Chartered, Bank of China, as well as national pavilions from countries like Canada, Japan, France, and Germany. It’s hard to ignore the growing influence of blockchain solutions, as the technology becomes more and more an integral part of the FinTech Scene.

This year’s blockchain pavilion was hosted by OpenNodes, a Singaporean blockchain ecosystem consisting of investors, government agencies and civil servants, enterprise leaders and solutions providers like VeChain. Established by the Infocom Media Development Authority of Singapore and Tribe Accelerator, OpenNodes brings together companies like BMW, Ernst & Young, PwC, IBM, and Intel to help connect blockchain use-cases with real world application.

OpenNodes is an impressive result of Singapore’s thriving blockchain culture mixed with progressive regulatory structure and corporations willing to work with local companies and startups. The “Hyperconnected Singapore Blockchain Ecosystem” organizes events for blockchain companies to interact with top enterprises, allowing the technology to develop and mature in a structured and supported environment.

As the only public blockchain with an enterprise-grade approach to supply chain solutions, this gives VeChain an important opportunity to explore and optimize the depth of their solutions. Throughout the week, VeChain’s team had the opportunity to show off their solutions with corporate and organizational delegates, other exhibitors, and around 45,000 other visitors to the week-long event.

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