Introducing Comet’s new decentralized marketplace

This week Totient announced their new p2p marketplace, which allows users to auction or sell their Comet NFTs (non-fungible tokens). Comet, a browser extension that allows users to securely manage their VeChain wallets directly from within Google Chrome or Brave Browser, provides users with a gateway to a world of blockchain-based applications and games.

Users can customize the appearance of their Comet in the Cometverse, as well as chat and trade VeChain tokens with other users. Customization options include a series of bright colors and novelty items.

To date, Comet has announced a series of item giveaways, including novelty hats and eyewear. Some of the rarer items had a limited release, and were completely claimed in a matter of seconds. To the creators of Cometverse, this came as quite a surprise. Totient Co-founder Clinton Bembry talked about how the whole concept was designed to be a demo for the Comet browser extension, but were encouraged to keep developing it by the strong positive feedback.

Bembry continued by stating that they’ve only scratched the surface of how they can continue to improve the user experience. The p2p marketplace is just one of many innovative new features they plan to implement.

While the popularity of the Cometverse may have been unforeseen, the direction Totient is following is much more purposeful. The marketplace is built on a protocol they call Valkyrie. Details haven’t been fully announced, but eventually this protocol will become available for other developers to use within their own dApps when creating an NFT marketplace. This is just another step in Totient’s journey towards making the VeChain blockchain more user-friendly and accessible for developers and users alike.

Learn more about Comet here.

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Summary: Safe Haven Community Survey

After the VeChain Community Survey we will now take a look at one of the most important projects in VeChain ecosystem – Safe Haven.

The survey was open for participation from February 5th to 12th. It was shared via Twitter, in the official SafeHaven subreddit and in various SafeHaven related Telegram groups. With more than 1,500 Safe Haven wallet accounts and more than 10,000 followers on Twitter, the survey would have needed at least 370 participants (95% confidence level, 5% margin of error). A total number of 378 people sent in their answers.

Let’s dive right in and have a look at the key findings of this survey.

51% of all participants have heard of SafeHaven before the token sale took place in Q3 2018. Therefore, it is not surprising that 40% bought their first SHA tokens during the token sales. And that’s not all: More than two thirds of the token sale participants bought additional SHA on exchanges afterwards.

Another amazing number in terms of token sale participants: 79% have sold less than 10% to none of their SHA so far. A little more than half (54%) said they have more than 1,000,000 SHA and therefore enough tokens for a masternode.

And the participants will not part with these tokens so quickly, because an incredible 99% would not sell their SHA at the current price. As already with VeChain, the price expectations are very high. SHA to VET is the most important price pair for the majority of the participants (63%).

It gets really interesting when you look at the questions about the masternode program.

The people were asked to rate the masternode tiers on a scale from 0 to 10 (0 = too low  | 5 = just right | 10 = too high). It seems that SHA has chosen the levels wisely, as almost all masternode levels move around the middle (Legacy = 6.7, Consensus = 6.2, Harbor = 5.6, Connect = 5.5).

More than two thirds of the participants plan to hold a masternode. The different levels are divided as follows:

Of the people who want to hold a masternode, only about half (48%) have collected enough SHA. If the required SHA tokens of all participants are added together, the total is 423,054,000 SHA – about 3.4 million per participant.

For SafeHaven it should be extremely important to know what the users think about the services offered.

The good news is that more than half (51%) of participants plan to use SafeHaven services at this early stage and only 4% said they would not. The bad news: 45% are not sure yet. There is still a lot of persuasion to be done.

Participants were asked to rank the known services on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 stood for “I know everything about it”.

The SH Inheritance Platform (6.1), ThorBlock – which 24% of respondents have already used before – (6.0) and ThorPay (5.9) scored best. But even among the top riders, there is still a great need for information on the part of the community.

This is followed by the Trust Alliance Network (5.5), the SafeHaven Wallet (5.4) and the Atomic Transaction Protocol (4.9). U2FA Fido (3.9) finished last.

Probably the most impressive value of the survey was the question of a solution to the problem of the death of a crypto-holder. 97% would use a service that ensures that the access data is passed on to the family.

Also interesting was the question of trust in SafeHaven. Even though 75% is a very good value – especially if you consider that this is a business where a lot of money is involved – SafeHaven should think about approaches to convince the remaining 25% of them as well.

Finally, users were asked to rate various statements about SafeHaven. SafeHaven received top marks for its communication with the community and the future of the project. Many participants were also of the opinion that SafeHaven is the most promising project from the VeChain ecosystem.

Feedback on the website was asked in two open-ended questions and general feedback was requested. The users see some potential to improve the newly designed website. The general feedback was very positive, as was the overall survey.

The complete survey report can be downloaded here.

Like VeChain before, SafeHaven also achieved very good results. In some questions VeChain’s values were even exceeded (e.g. communication with the community). A very good sign for a project as young as SafeHaven, since confidence on the part of the community and investors is an elementary building block for success.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on Twitter at @hh_tim. You can find more contact options on my website

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How does Safe Haven make investing in cryptocurrencies safer?

One of the biggest obstacles to widespread cryptocurrency adoption is the inability of projects to provide safe custodial services. The average investor isn’t experienced or knowledgeable enough to safely handle their own keys and backups, resulting in the loss of tokens due to both negligence and misfortune. Unlike a bank, cryptocurrency projects are unable to restore access to funds, making an already risky investment even riskier.

This was made painfully clear after Canadian-based exchange Quadriga claimed they lost access to $190 million dollars when the founder and CEO suddenly passed away in December of 2018. Apparently, he had “sole responsibility for handling the funds and coins,” leaving the remaining employees with no ability to return funds back to customers.

Fortunately, Safe Haven is working on many solutions that aim to make custodial services safer, even in the event of an accident. By securely splitting up the keys to your investment, you or your heirs could provide legal documentation to regain control of your assets.

Here’s a quick look at how it all works:

A key aspect here is the creation of the Safe Haven Trusted Alliance Network (TAN), a network of legal professionals that can trustlessly validate the release of tokens by being provided with legal documentation, such as a death certificate. By dividing your Safe Haven keys among multiple beneficiaries, you can ensure that the funds can’t be released unless all beneficiaries agree to dissolve the smart contract.

The nature of this trustless agreement has more applications than just digital inheritance. It also works great in situations where friends, companies, or even strangers on the internet would be interested in pooling their funds for staking or fundraising purposes. Without a TAN legal professional, and the consent of all members, the funds can’t be accessed or released.

TAN goes far beyond just facilitating these agreements. TAN is an ambitious project that will encourage lawyers and legal professionals to be educated in cryptocurrencies, so they can expand the type of services they provide to clients:

  • It will involve an entire legal network, including profiles that can be browsed by prospective clients
  • It will reward the publishing of legal documents, so that lawyers will have better access to information regarding cryptocurrencies through the network
  • TAN will connect users with crypto-friendly professionals for services like document writing and mediation

2019 Outlook

Safe Haven has kicked off 2019 with a flurry of announcements. Early in January they announced the launch of their new website. The new site brings a new level of professionalism to the platform.

Next, they released the alpha version of ThorPay, a tool that allows registered users of the Safe Haven network to send multiple transactions at once by using VeChain’s multi-clause transaction feature. This simplifies the process for users who need to send complex transactions, but don’t want to bother with writing their own complex smart contracts.

On January 30th, Safe Haven announced their Safe Masternode Program. Holding large amounts of the Safe Haven Token entitles you to a share of the fees earned by the platform.

Row 1: Node name Row 2: Minimum holdings
Row 3: Share of rewards pool Row 4: Maturity period

For more details, check out the announcement.

What is the token used for?

SHA tokens are VIP-180 tokens on the Vechain blockchain.

The SHA token is necessary for the creation of smart contracts used in their digital inheritance solutions. These SHA tokens are also released upon the validation (completion) of a smart contract.

The ThorPay solution mentioned above requires SHA to complete.

ThorBlock, a pooling solution on the Vechain blockchain, allows companies, projects, or individuals to raise funds. Plair, a gaming ICO on the VeChain network, held their public sale using ThorBlock. Users could submit VET tokens as payment, and once the goal was met, had new PLA tokens automatically distributed. In the future, companies or projects wishing to raise funds will be required to stake SHA tokens while the fundraising is ongoing.

Finally, legal professionals wishing to take part in the TAN network must subscribe by locking up SHA tokens for the duration (365 days) of their subscription. They will be encouraged to do so by the number of additional clients they can receive, as clients begin to seek out potential validators for their digital inheritance or pooling solutions.

More information, including a roadmap, is available on the website here.

Where can I buy SHA tokens?

Currently the SHA tokens are available on a number of platforms, including OceanEx.

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Quick look: OceanEx & Chinese Exchanges

On Wednesday, January 24th, the biggest rumor was surrounding OceanEx’s decision to allow Chinese citizens to both access the site and submit KYC documents. This comes after the platform had blocked Chinese IP addresses for more than 2 months since launch.

Photo Credit: Twitter User @joejd414

Since then, I tested it, and was in fact able to submit KYC documents using a Chinese passport – without a VPN. This opens up the exchange to a very large percentage of the world’s population, and one that that has traditionally not shied away from speculative investments.

A lot of people were confused by what this means for OceanEx and digital currencies in general. Many people mistakenly believe that China has been frozen out of the market after national policy banned ICOs and exchanges in the spring of 2018. Those who have followed Chinese policy, or lived in the country, know that things are never that simple. To begin, I must understate that China, as a region, never truly left the market.

Digital payments and eCommerce are staggeringly overwhelming in China. Alipay and WeChat have all but replaced cash for many individuals, and QR codes are everywhere – convenience stores, taxis, street vendors, and subway turnstiles. This has supported an ever-present OTC market, where citizens can quickly exchange RMB for digital currency with other consumers (c2c). Huobi, OKEx, OTCBTC, and Gate all allow such transactions, enabling users to purchase BTC or ETH in minutes. The process is quite simple – at times even easier than in western countries.

Huobi’s OTC platform

So where are we now?

One of the biggest problems with trying to interpret ‘rule of law’ in China is that there is very little consistency. For exchanges, they can only guess what is allowed, and how the policy will change in the future. Larger exchanges, such as Huobi, are definitely working under the government’s watchful eye to create infrastructure that fits into the legislation. Clearly, Huobi’s decision to move operations to Hainan last month reflect that. Hainan, an island south of the mainland, is the newest special economic free-trade zone, that is tipped to be China’s answer to Silicon Valley. It has a focus on internet companies, and government development overseers wouldn’t be letting just anyone move in – clearly Huobi is operating legally at this stage. If you follow the press releases of major cryptocurrency exchanges – notably Binance, you’ll see they have a distinct lack of communications regarding Chinese development. To a westerner, that would come off as a sign that talks are on hold. For China, it merely means that the companies aren’t discussing it publicly. Don’t be fooled – CZ hasn’t just abandoned the world’s largest region to go hunt for new startups in Malta and Uganda.

For OceanEx, the fact that they have set up shop in the capital city of Beijing shows they are committed to focusing on compliance. Their latest decision to allow Chinese users probably isn’t part of some breakthrough in policy, rather it’s more likely the realization that Chinese policy is heading in a new direction – one that is supportive of local platforms and avoiding widespread bans. The Cyberspace Administration of China has made that fairly evident, with their new regulations going into effect next month. Overall, this is good for the entire industry, but especially good for projects that have been playing by the rules and sticking close to home.

Global Trade Wars and Huawei

For those that haven’t been paying attention, China has a major issue to deal with. Their technological pride and joy – Huawei, has been dealing with scandals stretching from North America to Australia and New Zealand, as well as Oxford University. China realizes they are deep in a technology war that will shape the future of the internet and global commerce – with stakes so high that losing is unacceptable. For those looking for more info, I recommend reading this article on “the split-ernet.” Author Michael Spencer talks about how China is churning out superior internet services, buoyed by the national centralization that can support them. This allows products like WeChat and Taobao to gain unfathomable levels of market penetration.

For exchanges, this means that we are not headed in a direction where local platforms are banned. China can’t afford to allow its users to flock to western platforms. There simply isn’t a scenario where China doesn’t support their homegrown tech projects on a global scale – just ask a Canadian what lengths they will be willing to go.

For these reasons, I’m particularly optimistic about what a “tech race” might mean for local platforms such as OceanEx, Huobi, and OKEx. They stuck around in Beijing throughout the hard times, and will undoubtedly be rewarded through favorable policy in the future. Will it happen soon? Hard to say – but I wouldn’t be shocked to see the framework for exchange licenses being built this year. Once that happens, the floodgates of RMB investments will be thrown wide open.

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Sitting down with is one of the most valuable user-created contributions to the ecosystem, and is a website that most in the community are familiar with. They provide the community with a wide variety of data, from basic blockchain analytics to node monitoring, which can be used to assess trends throughout the network. We were joined by the developer behind the project, Fabian. He filled us in on a number of changes coming to the site, and offered some analysis on the VeChain platform.

This week, updated its charts page with even more data visualizations. One of the more interesting charts shows how transactions costs have been rising over time. Higher transactions costs are used for uploading data and smart contracts, as opposed to standard token transactions. This is an encouraging sign that enterprise usage is beginning to increase in volume.

To view the recently updated page, visit

In the following section, we got Fabian’s opinion on the site and VeChain in general.

Q: What is the goal of

The goal of is to become a portal for people interested in the VeChain blockchain technology, and stats regarding ongoing transactions and other relevant information for investors.

The journey of VeChain just begun, and I am very proud to be a part from the beginning. I see VeChain as one of the disruptive companies for the coming years with a bright future.

To further improve the possibilities of VeChain, is building a bridge for less technical people to understand what happens day-by-day in the network. I think it is very important for the Vefam community, as it is for VeChain itself, to bring the people closer to understanding all the interesting data on an easy to use platform.

Q: How do you see the website evolving in the future?

For the future, an API for available data is planned, to allow other community projects to benefit from gathered insights and further strengthen the community growth. Also, a non-fungible token explorer is something I’d like to implement in the near future. In terms of internationalization, a Chinese language update is also on the roadmap for Vechain Stats. The more useful tools there are, the more users there will be and the faster the VeChain project can gain momentum.

Q: What are your thoughts on the data you’ve compiled?

From my perspective, the VeChain main net, regardless of its technical maturity, is in its warm-up phase. A few months ago, we were able to identify isolated and mostly simple transactions due to the token swap and seasonal dapps generating transactions. 2018 and the beginning of 2019 has been a probing phase for the main net.

Since December 2018, however, the number and complexity of transactions started to increase. The rising of the average VTHO price per clause is a good indication that the first companies started running their use cases on the VeChain blockchain. Overall the main net as well as the provided software/tools run truly smooth with VeChain’s Proof-of-Authority consensus.

Now, if we take the statements of the VeChain team from the last AMA into account after which only the first 20 companies have become active on the main net, then we likely will witness over the next years an explosion of transactions. Imagine what happens when hundreds of companies are rolling out solutions built on top of the VeChain blockchain.

I’m super positive about the current development and upcoming improvements. Still, this emerging technology faces a lot of hurdles like regulatory frameworks. Apart from all hurdles and price speculation, I personally focus on the utility + impact, and the beauty of the blockchain technology. In this sense, I’m happy about any new enterprise live case as it’s positive for the whole ecosystem.

Q: How did you get into blockchain and vechain?

A few years ago, I was in the process of renting a server. When it came to paying, I saw something completely new for me, the payment by Bitcoin. Since I had no idea what Bitcoin was, I started to research and found a very interesting technology field, the blockchain. The more I dealt with it, the more my interest increased. Through the public blockchain technology, I subsequently joined the PoA system and consequently VeChain.

Q: What is your full-time job?

A good description of what I’m doing is professional developer for individual system solutions in the field of computer science, big data, and web development.

Q: What things do you do if you aren’t working?

In my spare time, I’m mentally involved in a variety of electronic projects and developments such as IoT or 3D printing. I like to read, and I relax by playing with my dog.  For the physical balance, I am doing sports activities like fitness training.

Q: How has your response from the community been?

I was pretty surprised with the intense feedback and ideas that I received from the VeChain community (telegram, reddit, emails). Once in a while it took me a bit longer to reply to all messages I received :-).

Thank you Ben, for taking the time for this interview and all your efforts for the VeChain project!

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Sunny Lu sits down with Token Gazer for an AMA

Thursday – January 19th

A few days after the English AMA on YouTube, VeChain took part in a similar one hosted by Token Gazer, a digital currency media group in Shanghai.

The AMA started with Sunny Lu discussing how blockchain technology alone was not enough – a proper blockchain-based enterprise solution would need to rely on a number of technologies to be successful. On top of this, it needs to be combined with third-party certification services, which is an area VeChain excels at thanks to their collaboration with DNV GL and their Business Assurance Service.

VeChain is clearly building something entirely new in the blockchain space. Sunny Lu discussed having multiple layers of BaaS support, with basic ‘portal-based’ solutions for small and medium enterprises, as well as full-service teams to assist larger enterprises. In addition, he talked about how they are building a global technical support service for enterprises, that will be available in real-time 24/7.

Throughout the AMA, governance was a major topic. Sunny Lu stressed the importance of avoiding total decentralization or total centralization, and believed the middle-ground was an area they found to be most effective. This governance structure was designed with the help of the VeResearch Universities, who studied the effect of governance on the blockchain. He discussed how this was a Western-style approach to governance – not banning the possibility of fraud altogether, but making the stakes for fraud so high it would be completely unreasonable.

In addition, Sunny Lu emphasized the responsibility of the VeChain Foundation to make sure the chain was legally compliant on a global scale. He stressed that this, as well as creating public tools and services, would be able to drive applications. Creating value-driven applications, as well as value transactions, was more of a priority than value-less transactions and bringing valueless services quickly to market. While he expressed regret that this wasn’t the fastest route, he believed it was the best one. To help people understand, he shared a slide he had used in the past.

2017-2018 Period of Discovery and Confirmation
2018-2020 Period of Compliance
2021-2025 Period of Fast Development
2025: Period of Maturity

He discussed the differences between private chains (such as the ones developed by IBM) and public chains, noting that Dan Boneh from Stanford University had recently engaged in a debate with banking and insurance leaders at the Beijing Future Forum. He once again compared private chains to LAN and public chains to the open web, noting that while both play a major role in enterprise network solutions, the open web has far more applications and value.

Sunny Lu’s message was clear: Continue supporting enterprise applications in a compliant fashion, knowing that enterprises would drive adoption for widespread adoption. This path might frustrate short-term investors who were demanding the focus be on them, but Sunny’s team shows a clear business acumen that other projects might lack.

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