Don’t ignore the significance of Li Zhanshu’s visit to DNV GL headquarters

On May 17th, honoring 65 years of Norwegian & Chinese diplomatic ties, China sent a delegate of officials to visit Norway and some of their local businesses. Among them was Li Zhanshu, Chairman of China’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. His role is equivalent to America’s Chief of Staff, playing a critical role in disseminating key info between leader Xi Jinping and the National Congress. Widely considered to be Xi Jinping’s strongest ally in congress, his influence helps determine President Xi’s itinerary and accompanies him on domestic and international trips. In political terms, Li Zhanshu is the third most powerful person in the country.

When visiting Norway, he stopped by the headquarters of DNV GL to discuss issues related to both Norway and China. While details of the meeting are confidential, Norway and DNV GL are highly focused on digitalization and global sustainability. The Digital Low Carbon Ecosystem is a key part of that, and with Chinese and Norwegian companies being at the center of the project, it’s a safe bet that the project was discussed at some point. Regardless, having a meeting with Li Zhanshu is a major testament to DNV GL’s influence in the Chinese corporate and political ecosystem. Leveraging these connections will help facilitate growth of the Digital Low Carbon Ecosystem within the world’s most populous country, increasing the adoption of VeChain’s innovative blockchain technology.

For those wishing to learn more about DNV GL’s recent accomplishments in China, check out this article.

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OCE Token launches on OceanEx

Marking a major landmark in the OceanEx roadmap, the digital asset trading platform released their OCE token on Sunday, March 31st. Just over a year ago, VeChain CEO Sunny Lu announced the exchange was launching on the VeChainThor blockchain at their rebranding announcement in Singapore. Since then, OceanEx has launched a number of trading pairs and become a staple of the VeChain ecosystem community.


Leveraging close integration with partners such as VeChain and DNV GL, the platform enjoys a strategic advantage over many competitors in the industry. They boast one of the strongest and most well-rounded teams in the blockchain space, allowing them to focus on core development, strategic planning, and legal regulation.

Notable team members include:

Nan Xiaoning

Nan Xiaoning

The CEO and Co-founder is one of the earliest contributors to the Chinese blockchain space, including setting up the first ever commercial mining facilities

Zhou Jiayu

Zhou Jiayu

Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at Michigan State University, with a PhD in Computer Science

Daniel Kelman

Daniel Kelman

One of the most renowned lawyers in the blockchain space, Daniel is instrumental in helping with the Mt. Gox legal battle

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Vetcast Episode #4 Talking ToolChain with Sarah Nabaa and Perkins Chen

In our latest community podcast, Sarah Nabaa (VeChain SE Asia and Australia General Manager) and Perkins Chen (VeChain Project Manager) break down ToolChain with host Ben Yorke. This is a great introduction to their turnkey tool for making blockchain accessible to hobbyists, small businesses, and medium-sized enterprises.

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DNV GL partners with Deloitte China to improve healthcare standards in China

One of VeChain’s closest strategic partners spent the week focused on the medical industry – an industry in China desperate for reform and modernization. Burdened with one of the lowest doctor-to-patient ratios in the world, the public hospital systems remain overwhelmed, while private clinics are under-utilized, especially in rural regions. Patients show a clear lack of trust and respect for most medical professionals, a characteristic that often leads to violent attacks when they feel unsatisfied with the quality of medical service.

While healthcare has always been a focus of DNV GL, this week was a bold statement with the signing of a strategic cooperation with Deloitte China. Their partnership focuses on improving the standards of hospitals and medical facilities throughout China through training, consulting, formal certification, and improving the supply chains. While VeChain was not mentioned in the formal press release, these are all use cases that VeChain, DNV GL, and Deloitte have collaborated on in the past.

May 14th – DNV GL Business Assurance for Greater China CEO George Kang attends the signing ceremony. Kang is a member of the VeChain Steering Committee.

“As the largest professional service organization in the world, Deloitte helps the Chinese medical organizations to integrate international standardization and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry through the service capabilities and advantages of global network, technological innovation and operation management.”

Ms. Wu Ping, Leading Partner of Deloitte China Life Sciences and Medical Industry

This week also saw the 81st China International Medical Equipment Fair hosted at the Shanghai National Expo & Convention Center. DNV GL Management Group worked with partners to present the expo, which is the largest medical device expo in the Asia-Pacific region.

DNV GL has strategic partnerships with many medical device manufacturers, and uses its certification services to promote a higher standard of equipment and facilities throughout the region. This year’s theme was “Intelligent Reconstruction of the Future” and focused on emerging technologies such as AI, robotics, blockchain, big data, and 3D printing.

VeChain and DNV GL also added Renji Hospital to the Low Carbon Digital Ecosystem. This influential and historic hospital will provide priority services to ecosystem users, incentivizing a whole new segment of the population to take part in eco-friendly activities. VeChain’s blockchain technology can play a major role in modernizing traditional healthcare information systems and supply chains. By working with DNV GL and other strategic partners, VeChain has an advantage over many other public blockchains in the industry.

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How healthcare in China is poised for digitalization

On May 12th, Renji Hospital announced their inclusion in DNV GL & VeChain’s Low Carbon Digital Ecosystem. As a historic and reputable hospital in China, their strategy and commitment to social responsibility stands out from the complex domestic healthcare industry.

There are many indications that the healthcare sector will soon undergo a massive overhauling in China, and for good reason. Recent statistics show that China has one of the lowest doctor-to-patient ratios in the world, a problem exacerbated by an imbalanced population of seniors due to decades of single-children families. Additionally, Chinese patients are mostly free from the insurance-based restrictions that westerners are more familiar with, so they tend to gravitate towards provincial capitals and Tier-One cities where the biggest and best hospitals are located. The result is that large hospitals are overwhelmed and oversaturated with long lines and unsatisfied patients, leading to violent attacks on doctors and nurses.

Another problem stems from the lack of privatized clinics. With reputation being so vital to success, lesser-qualified doctors have little incentive to set up basic-care facilities in more rural areas. To remedy this, the National Health Commission of China is piloting a program to make it easier for doctors to set up private clinics. These medical clinics could be effective at stemming the flow of low-urgency patients into bigger urban centers, but must find a way to convince their patients that the medical care received is of a suitable standard.

One of the ways that hospitals and medical care facilities can do this is through digitalization. In 2014, hospitals began integrating Alipay (Alibaba’s financial platform) to book appointments and pay expenses. Still, the

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