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Don’t ignore the significance of Li Zhanshu’s visit to DNV GL headquarters
On May 17th, honoring 65 years of Norwegian & Chinese diplomatic ties, China sent a delegate of officials to visit Norway and some of their local businesses. Among them was Li Zhanshu, Chairman of China’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. His role is equivalent to America’s Chief of Staff, playing a critical role in disseminating key info between leader Xi Jinping and the National Congress. Widely considered to be Xi Jinping’s strongest ally in congress, his influence helps determine President Xi’s itinerary and accompanies him on domestic and international trips. In political terms, Li Zhanshu is the third most powerful person in the country.
When visiting Norway, he stopped by the headquarters of DNV GL to discuss issues related to both Norway and China. While details of the meeting are confidential, Norway and DNV GL are highly focused on digitalization and global sustainability. The Digital Low Carbon Ecosystem is a key part of that, and with Chinese and Norwegian companies being at the center of the project, it’s a safe bet that the project was discussed at some point. Regardless, having a meeting with Li Zhanshu is a major testament to DNV GL’s influence in the Chinese corporate and political ecosystem. Leveraging these connections will help facilitate growth of the Digital Low Carbon Ecosystem within the world’s most populous country, increasing the adoption of VeChain’s innovative blockchain technology.
For those wishing to learn more about DNV GL’s recent accomplishments in China, check out this article.
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