After the VeChain Community Survey we will now take a look at one of the most important projects in VeChain ecosystem – Safe Haven.

The survey was open for participation from February 5th to 12th. It was shared via Twitter, in the official SafeHaven subreddit and in various SafeHaven related Telegram groups. With more than 1,500 Safe Haven wallet accounts and more than 10,000 followers on Twitter, the survey would have needed at least 370 participants (95% confidence level, 5% margin of error). A total number of 378 people sent in their answers.

Let’s dive right in and have a look at the key findings of this survey.

51% of all participants have heard of SafeHaven before the token sale took place in Q3 2018. Therefore, it is not surprising that 40% bought their first SHA tokens during the token sales. And that’s not all: More than two thirds of the token sale participants bought additional SHA on exchanges afterwards.

Another amazing number in terms of token sale participants: 79% have sold less than 10% to none of their SHA so far. A little more than half (54%) said they have more than 1,000,000 SHA and therefore enough tokens for a masternode.

And the participants will not part with these tokens so quickly, because an incredible 99% would not sell their SHA at the current price. As already with VeChain, the price expectations are very high. SHA to VET is the most important price pair for the majority of the participants (63%).

It gets really interesting when you look at the questions about the masternode program.

The people were asked to rate the masternode tiers on a scale from 0 to 10 (0 = too low  | 5 = just right | 10 = too high). It seems that SHA has chosen the levels wisely, as almost all masternode levels move around the middle (Legacy = 6.7, Consensus = 6.2, Harbor = 5.6, Connect = 5.5).

More than two thirds of the participants plan to hold a masternode. The different levels are divided as follows:

Of the people who want to hold a masternode, only about half (48%) have collected enough SHA. If the required SHA tokens of all participants are added together, the total is 423,054,000 SHA – about 3.4 million per participant.

For SafeHaven it should be extremely important to know what the users think about the services offered.

The good news is that more than half (51%) of participants plan to use SafeHaven services at this early stage and only 4% said they would not. The bad news: 45% are not sure yet. There is still a lot of persuasion to be done.

Participants were asked to rank the known services on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 stood for “I know everything about it”.

The SH Inheritance Platform (6.1), ThorBlock – which 24% of respondents have already used before – (6.0) and ThorPay (5.9) scored best. But even among the top riders, there is still a great need for information on the part of the community.

This is followed by the Trust Alliance Network (5.5), the SafeHaven Wallet (5.4) and the Atomic Transaction Protocol (4.9). U2FA Fido (3.9) finished last.

Probably the most impressive value of the survey was the question of a solution to the problem of the death of a crypto-holder. 97% would use a service that ensures that the access data is passed on to the family.

Also interesting was the question of trust in SafeHaven. Even though 75% is a very good value – especially if you consider that this is a business where a lot of money is involved – SafeHaven should think about approaches to convince the remaining 25% of them as well.

Finally, users were asked to rate various statements about SafeHaven. SafeHaven received top marks for its communication with the community and the future of the project. Many participants were also of the opinion that SafeHaven is the most promising project from the VeChain ecosystem.

Feedback on the website was asked in two open-ended questions and general feedback was requested. The users see some potential to improve the newly designed website. The general feedback was very positive, as was the overall survey.

The complete survey report can be downloaded here.

Like VeChain before, SafeHaven also achieved very good results. In some questions VeChain’s values were even exceeded (e.g. communication with the community). A very good sign for a project as young as SafeHaven, since confidence on the part of the community and investors is an elementary building block for success.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on Twitter at @hh_tim. You can find more contact options on my website

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